Pardon My Pancreas - Type 1 Diabetes with Matt Vande Vegte

How I Solved My Meal Time High Blood Sugars

FTF Warrior Season 6 Episode 42

Ever wonder why blood sugars aren't cooperating after a meal? In today's episode I discuss the exact method I use to identify exactly how much insulin I need at meals in order to stay in range...

And it's easier than you think!

The unfortunate truth is that our medical system is often outdated...And in today's episode I share a story about a conversation I had with a client who hadn't been given updated information in over 30 YEARS from her medical team...

And how this simple switch led to her nearly eliminating after meal blood sugar spikes.


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Welcome to the Pardon My Pancreas podcast!! This show is all about REAL life with type 1 diabetes, understanding fluctuations, and how to stabilize your blood sugar for good. Your host is Matt Vande Vegte is a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, and type 1 diabetic whose biggest goal in life is to help people with diabetes around the world live their lives fearlessly. Looking for an online health coaching program to help you live your best life? Go to to learn more about his program for diabetics only that is focused on helping you reach your goals while living a happier and healthier life. Join the Tribe today!

This podcast is sponsored by FTF Warrior - An online health and fitness coaching company for type 1 diabetics dedicated to helping them master their blood sugars through any activity, exercise, or meal!

Follow Matt here:




Disclaimer: While we share our experiences with diabetes, nothing we discuss should be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor or medical professional for your health and diabetes management.